Sourya Basu

I am a final year PhD student in the Department of Electrical & Computer Enginerring at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, working with Prof. Lav R. Varshney. I obtained my MS from the same place in the year 2020. Previously, I obtained a B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from the IIT Kanpur.

During my PhD, I have had the pleasure to collaborate with several amazing researchers that led to some of my favorite research works so far. With researchers from Salesforce Research, we proposed a text sampling method for large language models called mirostat sampling. The work was published in ICLR and is available for generating high quality texts from the popular LLaMA models here.

As an intern, I was fortunate to have worked with Payel Das, Kush Varshney and others at IBM Research, and with Suhas Lohit and team at Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs. At these places, I worked on topics in group equivariant networks that led to several important works published in NeurIPS and AAAI. I was also fortunate to have worked with Taco Cohen on gauge equivariant networks that led to an interesting project now published in TMLR.

My current research interests include diffusion models, group equivariant networks, and natural language processing.

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